
Why I Made This Webiste

I used to believe, you have to be interesting, and then you write. I now feel as though this can work both ways, the more you write, the more you think and the more you think, the more you write.

You might ask, if it's totally personal, why go through all the hassle of setting up a website?

The current state of the web is really, really slow. This site is partially to demonstrate that it isn't difficult to make something universally comaptible, readable and fast.

Additionally, even if no one is currently reading this blog, this format makes me write as though I'm talking to someone, which feels less lonely, and leads to a higher quality output, as it's not entirely self indulgent.

How I Made This Website

Claude. The End

In all seriousness, the site is just hosted via python-flask, on a debian $5 VPS. It renders the html based on the markdown files I have in my posts folder, which get updated whenever I push to this site's git repo.

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